
Part 5 No title means freedom?

Part 1 No title means freedom?

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Part 1 What is exclusive?

Part 1 What is exclusive? When we say that we are exclusive what does that really mean to each individual?


Part 2 Does the title change you?

Part 2 Does the title change you? Once you have a title does that make you change should it change the dynamic of the relationship?


Part 3 Relationship expectations

Part 3 Relationship expectations Things may go smoother when you have relationship expectations and express them to your partner.


Part 4 Are your actions enough?

Part 4 Are your actions enough? Why have a title when everything about your actions express how you feel about the relationship?


Part 5 No title means freedom?

Part 5 No title means freedom? If we don’t have a title then I don’t have to conform to what a title implies.

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