We want to know how our viewers feel about particular relationship topics so we will post discussions for you to join in and tell us how you feel. The discussions will be used on the Them-Us show and posted on all of our social media connections.
Current Discussions
Can you love two people at the same time?What is love?

Street Talk
No Street Talk interviews scheduledAnger in relationships
What is anger? Is it an instant impulse? A rapid reaction to something unwanted? A way at getting what we want? A prelude to rage? I talk with content providers Dr. David L Thomas, Ph.D.,LMHC of the Whitford - Thomas Group and John J Bosworth, M.A., LMHC of the Institute for Advanced Study RTMZ to get a better understanding of anger and how to deal with anger in relationships. Read moreGet social with Them-Us.com
Them-Us.com is connected to multiple social networks. We don't just use our social networks to hit you with marketing but to continue to achieve our goal of building strong healthy relationships. Take a look at how we communicate on each social networkGet social with Them-Us.com
Make sure you check #themustalk Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:30 to 1:30 on twitter @them_us. We hit you hard with all types of relationship questions that make you think laugh and always entertaining.